What is it about me that makes everything so complicated?! Am I the only one who makes simple things so much more complicated than they need to be? My troubles with my web software led me to dump all of my recent hard work updating it...and then i got "spring fever" thanks to the lovely job Deb from New Avenue crew did on her blog! Which led me to spend more time playing than finishing anything! Sigh..such is my life! Half finished everywhere! I will have to make an effort to rein myself in soon, before I unravel all over the place! :) Mama Robin is still sitting on that bear (see below) ,, I want my porch back, but I love to watch them anyway. So until i make some forward progress let me introduce a new bear or two here!
Hi, Debra! Sorry to have been a distraction for you. ;-) It's a good thing for you to have fun, though. Your bear looks sweet. I have some half-finished things, too...but I got a bear's arms, legs, and paw pads designed and cut out today. Whew!