Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Three Muses Underwear

This was sooo much fun! Done entirely on my IPad!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. Wonderful collage, Deb, I have that feeling with bras sometimes too!
    Didn't know iPads could do digital art, will have to put it on my wish list!

  2. lol, love the piece and especially the saying, Deb!

  3. Love it, glad someone else has the same sentiment about bras

  4. Now see? That's why I don't wear a bra! Wait a minute. I don't wear a bra because I'm a man. But they also look a little uncomfortable. :O)

  5. One of the finest things about being retired is the freedom to have a day at home and not wear a bra!! It's like skipping school. Great addition to our collection of underwear this week!

  6. Fun collage, Deb! I've often said that!

  7. I've never found a bra yet that was really comfortable! Great art Debs.xx

  8. Just a beautiful collage, great humour.

  9. Thank you all for your kind comments! Please check on Lumilyon in Blogs I follow,,she inspired me to try collage on my ITOUCH ( same as an Iphone..no phone)and I have since moved up to the Ipad. Its a different thought process but really fun!

  10. You did a great job, Deb, and made me laugh into the bargain. Brilliant.

  11. I love everything about this! Your creative mind is wonderful, and the way you put this together is so interesting. Love your choices of verbage and great images. This is a winner!

  12. ha, ha I know the feeling, love your take on this, such fun

  13. Wow! I am amazed at how much a person can do on an iPad. Your collage is fantastic. It has everything - great design, great colours and best of all a sense of humour. Great work.

  14. This one speaks to my heart, not really heart, but you know, bras are the 2nd worst stuff we wear, the 1st one are those unconfortable gorgeous high heels.

  15. Christine,,Bras and I do not get along,,they are torture devices I'm sure! Must have a $100 worth of misfit ones in a drawer upstairs!You would think if we could send a man to the moon we could design a comfortable garment that stayed put and did its job! :}
