Thursday, June 16, 2011

beautiful summer morning in Vermont

We are finally having some truly beautiful weather ( which will be Wednesday and Thursday!) but the sun is out the weather warm but not humid! not a cloud in sight! We do not usually have all the hay fields still up right now but the rain and heavy flooding made cutting hard this of my favorite things about the hill I live on is watching the hay fields move in the wind. Very like watching the ocean! They ripple and sway just like ocean waves in a light breeze. Soothing and special to me. And all those dandelions people try so hard to remove are beautiful strewn by the thousands around the meadows and farm buildings. The deer and turkeys are appearing
and now off to work! Have a lovely day in your part of the world!


  1. Hi, Deb... we are finally having nice weather here in Western Mass., too. I love the name of your blog. We have two kitties but so far they just like to sit on top of whatever we are working on, especially the keyboard to the computer.
    I also want to thank you for joining the followers to my blog. It's still getting styled and whatnot, and I haven't made a significant inventory to sell on the blog either. Hopefully I will have enough in the next month or so.
    Warm Regards,
    Susan B., Western MA

  2. We have a beautiful day too in my part of Australia after a week of non stop rain and flooding. Yes it is very soothing to watch the ocean so I can imagine it is the same when the hay moves:o))
    Take care and have a good weekend.
    Hugs Lyn x

  3. Susan it always makes me laugh when I go to our vets office, they have a huge cat that never seems to leave the reception desk! Enjoyed the blog!
    Hi Lynn ! The rain has been awful this year! It's finally been beautiful here
    , enjoy!
